Add this page to your project with name of mail.asp and save following code into it. <% if Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") = "POST" then txtname = Request.Form("txtname") 'txtcompanyname= Request.Form("txtcompanyname") txtadd = Request.Form("txtadd") txtzip= Request.Form("txtzip") txtcity = Request.Form("txtcity") txtstate = Request.Form("txtstate") txtcountry = Request.Form("txtcountry") txtph = Request.Form("txtph") txtfax = Request.Form("txtfax") txtemail = Request.Form("txtemail") txtquery = Request.Form("txtquery") MailBody="Enquiry Form <br>" _ & "Name: " & txtname & "<br>" _ ...
C#, VB.NET, SQL Server ,ASP.NET and Crystal Report and Net for Beginner.