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Showing posts from November, 2011

remove index.php from wordpress on win2003 shared hosting

No need to install any  ISAPI filter to  remove  the  index . php  from  WordPress  permalinks. No need of  .htaccess  file. . Use these simple steps to WordPress Permalinks in IIS 6.0 using Custom 404 Redirect for Windows Shared hosting/manas hosting or any windows shared hosting. When you run wordpress on IIS server your permalinks have to include the prefix /index.php/ which looks ugly and is totally un necessary.If you have these  requirements as follow:  a .IIS for Windows Shared Hosting b .WordPress Site c .Access to change your 404 error page with your web hosting. This can be remove by following simple steps. 1 .  Once installed wordpress blog on your site you’ll want to log into the admin section and select options and then select permalinks. Set your permalinks as you wish. 2 . Then  You’ll create a new text file and name it "404-error.php". In this text file you’re going to include the tex...

How To remove/delete Row in a DataTable of DataSet C#.Net

I created one table using DataTable by programming, i have save this DataTable in Session in Asp.Net using C#. DataTable dt = (( DataTable )Session[ "productds" ]); DataRow dr = dt.Rows.Find(SearchValue); dt.Rows.Remove(dr); dt.AcceptChanges(); First get the DataTable from Session into dt object using casting. After that find the DataRow  that has contain that unique value using Find() Method of DataTable dt, it will return the Datarow dr that matches the SearchValue.Then call Remove() method to delete row from DataTable dt,after that call  AcceptChanges() method of DataTable dt to apply chages to DataTable.