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Showing posts from 2011

Ms Excel in C#,VB.Net Could not find installable ISAM

When you are going to use Ms Excel in c#, If you get this error when importing a excel  file  use this connection string  Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" +Server .MapPath("Master.xlsx") + ";Extended Properties='Excel 12.0;HDR=YES;'"  "HDR=Yes;" indicates that the first row contains columnnames, not data. "HDR=No;" indicates the opposite. 

Print Div ,HTML or Table Content in Using C#

Following is the code for printing  Div ,HTML or Table to printer using C# in < script type ="text/javascript" language ="javascript">     function print()     {     var printFriendly = document.getElementById( "div1" )     var printWin = "about:blank" , "Voucher" , "menubar=no;status=no;toolbar=no;" );     printWin.document.write( "<html><head><title>Voucher Report</title></head><body><h1>Agent Wise Report</h1>" + printFriendly.innerHTML + "</body></html>" );     printWin.document.close();     printWin.window.print();        printWin.close();     }         </ script > add this script lines in your header section of given page. < div id ="div1"> < table ...

UP Primary Teacher Recruitment 2011 – 72825 vacancy filled by jan 2012,Up Basic Education Primary Teacher Result, Up Basic Education Primary Teachers DIET wise Merit List, Primary Teachers Vacancy ,Teachers Vacancy in UP

Uttar Pradesh Government will recruit 72,825 Primary Teachers in schools of Basic Education council. This decision has been approved in the cabinet of UP. There are total 3,86,726 posts of teachers in the state out of which 2,84,391 posts have already been created. Currently only 1,87,155 teachers are working. There are 1,99,571 vacant posts of primary teachers  and the Government is planning to fill up 72,825 posts. Details of eligibility and application process are following: Eligibility : Educational Qualification –  Minimum 50% in Graduation ( BA / B.Sc /B.Com) with B.Ed degree Have to qualify Teacher Eligibility Test ( UP TET) Age  should be 18 to 35 years ( as on 1 st  July,2011  Applicaton fee  – Rs. 500 for General Candidates, Rs. 200 for SC, ST . There is no application fee for PH candidates. Interested candidates who are living in UP for last five years can apply from five districts of their...

remove index.php from wordpress on win2003 shared hosting

No need to install any  ISAPI filter to  remove  the  index . php  from  WordPress  permalinks. No need of  .htaccess  file. . Use these simple steps to WordPress Permalinks in IIS 6.0 using Custom 404 Redirect for Windows Shared hosting/manas hosting or any windows shared hosting. When you run wordpress on IIS server your permalinks have to include the prefix /index.php/ which looks ugly and is totally un necessary.If you have these  requirements as follow:  a .IIS for Windows Shared Hosting b .WordPress Site c .Access to change your 404 error page with your web hosting. This can be remove by following simple steps. 1 .  Once installed wordpress blog on your site you’ll want to log into the admin section and select options and then select permalinks. Set your permalinks as you wish. 2 . Then  You’ll create a new text file and name it "404-error.php". In this text file you’re going to include the tex...

How To remove/delete Row in a DataTable of DataSet C#.Net

I created one table using DataTable by programming, i have save this DataTable in Session in Asp.Net using C#. DataTable dt = (( DataTable )Session[ "productds" ]); DataRow dr = dt.Rows.Find(SearchValue); dt.Rows.Remove(dr); dt.AcceptChanges(); First get the DataTable from Session into dt object using casting. After that find the DataRow  that has contain that unique value using Find() Method of DataTable dt, it will return the Datarow dr that matches the SearchValue.Then call Remove() method to delete row from DataTable dt,after that call  AcceptChanges() method of DataTable dt to apply chages to DataTable.

The Controls collection cannot be modified because the control contains code blocks (i.e. <% ... %>).

This error will occurs when you try to modify in Page Header through the C# Coding or uploading and aplying a skin that is refering some images or trying to resolve url  <script> or <style> references in the page head. So Use < script type ="text/javascript" src =" <% #Page.ResolveUrl("js/prototype.js") %> "/>  instead of < script type ="text/javascript" src =" <% =Page.ResolveUrl("js/prototype.js") %> "/> to solve the problem. Even this can be happen that you will get  blank ("") value such as  src="" . For this you can move these lines and put your code/script from "head" tag to "body" tag will solve the problem.

Fulltext predicate references columns from two different tables or indexed views

Fulltext predicate references columns from two different tables or indexed views SELECT      dbo . CustomerMap . DisplayCategoryId ,  dbo . Customer . CompanyName , dbo . Customer . website , dbo . CustomerMap . Description ,                       dbo . Country . Country , dbo . Customer . phoneNo , dbo . Customer . Mobile , dbo . Customer . FaxNo , dbo . Customer . Address , dbo . Customer . AboutUsUrl ,                       dbo . Customer . ProductUrl , dbo . Customer . EnqiryUrl , dbo . Customer . email          FROM          dbo . CustomerMap INNER JOIN                 ...

Creating Full Text Search Catalog and Full Text Search Sql Server 2005

Creating Full Text Search Catalog and Full Text Search USE dbSur EXEC sp_fulltext_database   'enable' --1  First Create the catalog (if you already have then skip this step) EXEC sp_fulltext_catalog    'SearchOffers' , 'create' --2  Add a full text index to a table with index_name EXEC sp_fulltext_table    'PostOffer' , 'create' , 'SearchOffers' , 'PK_PostOffer' --3  Add a column to the full text index EXEC sp_fulltext_column     'PostOffer' , 'Title' , 'add' EXEC sp_fulltext_column     'PostOffer' , 'Description' , 'add' --4  Activate the index on table EXEC sp_fulltext_table      'PostOffer' , 'activate' --5  Start full population EXEC sp_fulltext_catalog    'SearchOffers' , 'start_full'

UP TET 2011 Syllabus and Exam Pattern

Teacher Eligibility Test (UP TET) 2011 Syllabus and Exam Pattern TETs 2011 in UP, MP, Karnataka,AP, Bengal,Tamilnadu, Kerala and Other States. Details of notification and state specific terms of the exam and weightages in teachers recruitment and details of application procedure will be available on the websites of education departments of concerned states.  National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) has initiated new regulation for those aspiring to become teachers in schools under Government, private, unaided and aided categories. Now the candidates have to qualify in Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) to be conducted at state level by state boards. CTET will be a compulsory and essential requirement for securing a teaching job in all types of schools. Eligibility: B Ed degree. Validity of qualifying certificate (B.Ed.) will be decided by the state government/ Centre. The certificate can not be more than 7 years old.  Exam pattern and Scheme: There w...

Rebuild the Master Database for SQL Server 2005

Repair master db in SQL Server 2005 To rebuild the system master databases you need to run the setup command from the Command prompt and follow the following steps: 1. Click Start, click Run, type cmd, and then click OK. 2. Run the following command to rebuild the system databases of sql server 2005: start /wait <CD or DVD Drive>\setup.exe /qn INSTANCENAME=Instance_Name REINSTALL=SQL_Engine REBUILDDATABASE=1 SAPWD=StrongPassword example: start /wait D:\setup.exe /qn INSTANCENAME=MSSQLSERVER REINSTALL=SQL_Engine REBUILDDATABASE=1 SAPWD=YourSAPassword Replace  YourSAPassword to your current sa login password.It will work fine.

UP TET 2011 Exam Application,UPTET 2011 Result | UPTET 2011 Revised Result

UPTET 2011 Result | UPTET 2011 Revised Result | UPTET 2011 Updated Result |Board of High School and Intermediate Education Uttar Pradesh, Allahabad UP TET Advertisement 2011 and Exam Detail/Admit Card/Call Letter Download UP TET 2011 FORM & DETAILS  GET LATEST DETAIL ABOUT 72825 Primary Teacher Merit List UP TET 2011 Application form submission last date is 18-Oct-2011.Forms will be distributed from PNB bank all over UP.According to latest news Appearing B.Ed student also eligible for TET exam 2011 so they can also submit their forms to concern District.There is no requirement for Rojgar Registration No and Bank receipt within the application form.UP TET 2011 exam results will be avail on . Now you can easily get Application from from the P.N.B bank Branches. UPTET 2011 Result | UPTET 2011 Revised Result | UPTET 2011 Updated Result |  Board of High School and Intermediate Education Uttar Pradesh, Al...

Insert Data Into The Table SQL SERVER

  First we have to create table with the table name Student with the following fields in which we are going to insert records. Column Name Data Type Length Std_Name Varchar 50 Address Varchar 50 City Varchar 50 Age Numeric 8 DOB DateTime 8 Class Varchar 10 Insert Data Into The Table for execution of queries open the new query window from the Microsoft Sql Server Management Studio. Select SQL Server from the drop down combo if you are using the client else in case of server enter (local) like above. Select window authentication or SQL Server authentication according to your system installation and click on OK. Query window will appear as you click on New Query marked as first red. Select your database from the combo displaying at the toolbar above on the screen. Now write down the following query in the displaying window. ·  ...